----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andy Tai" <a...@gnu.org>
> To: "GNOME Foundation" <foundation-list@gnome.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 2:56:16 PM
> Subject: question for candidates
> Hi, I would like to post this question to the candidates:
> GNOME's core toolkit, gtk+, is used by numerous projects. Currently gtk+
> development seems to be driven mainly by the GNOME desktop. However, gtk+
> also play critical roles in other free software projects, like MATE, XFCE,
> and the Cinnamon desktop, and large applications like GIMP, Inkscape, etc.
> What are your views on the participation of the people of these projects, as
> stake holders in the direction of gtk+, in the GNOME Foundation? Should the
> GNOME Foundation encourage (reach out to) these people to get them involved
> in the GNOME Foundation so they also have a say and even contribute to gtk+
> so gtk+ can continue to serve their needs well, important for the continuing
> successes of gtk+ in the free software world?

GTK+ was one of the main themes of the Developer Experience Hackfest last 
month. The work done was covered in many blog posts and resulted in the GTK+ 


Beyond that, Matthias Clasen has been writing regular blog posts about the new 


The roadmap has a long list of work to be done, and offers an opportunity to 
help and to provide feedback. GNOME 3 desktop and applications' needs, which 
are reflected in the roadmap, should be a primary consideration for GTK+ 
development, because this is our product. It's great if we are also able to 
provide an attractive technology to other projects, but it seems that right now 
we don't have enough people working on GTK+ to satisfy both goals and need 
participation of these other projects to help create anything that is custom to 
their needs. It would be great to hear from people who participated in the 
hackfest about any interaction with projects that use GTK+ so far and to reach 
out to these groups.

> --
> Andy Tai, a...@atai.org
> Year 2010 民國99年
> 自動的精神力是信仰與覺悟
> 自動的行為力是勞動與技能
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