On 2014-05-22 15:10, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
On Thu, 2014-05-22 at 14:35 -0400, Jeff Fortin wrote:
- Our somewhat nonexistent OEM story

Dell is currently shipping Ubuntu computers running Unity. Wouldn't it
be desirable to see a major OEM shipping GNOME as well? If so, what
steps do you believe GNOME, and the board in particular, should take to
achieve this goal?

As Executive Director,I had a few calls/emails with Dell, trying to get a foothold in the company (or get a donation since they're using GNOME technologies) without too much luck. I think the Foundation needs to promote GNOME as much as possible and find partners, but we need successes to point to as well to get the message across. There are a few companies that have been working on products with GNOME in the last couple of years but already at least one of those efforts have fizzled. My fingers are crossed for the products still under development (I'm looking at you, Endless Mobile, for one) which will create more of an opportunity to approach new partners. With Android having met so much success we need a compelling story - I think we have that, but it's hard to communicate when it's more theoretical. In Dell's case they believe they need to contract with a company who will stand behind the technology, and Canonical serves that function. This is not an easy problem for the GNOME Foundation itself to solve.


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