On 18/07/2014, Michael Catanzaro <mcatanz...@gnome.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-07-18 at 14:12 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
>> I would like to remind you that if you would like the board to discuss
>> any issues at a meeting, you are welcome to request additions to the
>> agenda for the following meeting at any time.
> Could you please discuss how the new board will be publishing meeting
> minutes; in particular, the timeliness of publication.

The minutes should currently be published within two weeks of the
meeting and the agenda at least two days before the meeting.[1]

I am guessing that you don't want the targets to change, but for them
to actually be achieved. For reference, at the last GUADEC meeting,
the board chose to have a vice-secretary to help achieve the targets,
but this did not seem to help much.

I will make sure that whoever steps up for the jobs is aware of how
much work this involves and I am willing to volunteer myself as a
tertiary backup as I have published agendas and minutes before, and
taken minutes at meetings. Unfortunately, my time is finite and the
treasurer position already takes more work than any of the others so I
don't think that I would be an effective  president/chair or secretary
while acting as the treasurer. (As should be clear by now, I am
running for treasurer again.)

[1] https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard#Roles_and_Responsibilities

> Thanks.
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