I do not think Jan is thinking coherently on this (and likewise I
absolutely empathise with your concerns Benjamin) Civil law is not black
and white and it is totally by landmark cases of which there are none to
refer to in this case that we know of. Ultimately, none of us know if the
wording on that contract would mean anything unless a mentor or an intern
takes GNOME to court over some row or another, then we'd find out.

Obviously, I cannot speak for the OPW organisers but as I understand it
they are literally just seeking to cover GNOME in the unlikely scenario
that a student sues them because of a mentor's poor conduct. If I am right
in that then it is entirely reasonable for the OPW organisers to seek to do
that. Vetting mentors on a project of OPW's scale and size is simply not
something GNOME has the resources for. They are being asked to put a lot of
faith into projects to put forward mentors who the projects believe know
how to behave themselves, but projects (and people) can and do get things
wrong. Especially when it comes to projects with lots of men who and very
few women. The chance of a project picking the wrong person to be an OPW
mentor actually seems to be pretty high in FLOSS. Not only do we have a
huge imbalance in the male/female ratio, we [FLOSS] have developed itself
around a meritocratic culture which has a tendency to ignore the
consequences of  what happens when one exceptional coder/contributor is a
completely toxic human being in all other respects.

The challenges the OPW organisers face is in figuring out how to encourage
projects and mentors to sign up and yet also protect GNOME from a potential
lawsuit in the event that things go horribly wrong as a result of something
that may not be GNOME's fault. This contract seems to be sort of like a
disclaimer yet there is a concerning subtext in the documents because the
role of the mentor organisations involved do not seem to be being
addressed. As we are aware, OPW's goal is to support communities from
projects who are keen on actively taking concious steps to actively invite
women to participate and then encourage those women to continue on and
progress as contributors. That goal seems to have been motivated by the
reality which is supported by concrete figures ( ~1-2% of the community are
made up of women) i.e. that there is glaring gender inequality in FLOSS.
With that core mission in mind, it is my view, the mentor/intern missing
project contract loses sight of OPW's aims on a fairly fundamental level
because it fails to concede that the mentor organisation has a role to play
in helping women starting out overcome the barriers they are statistically
likely face. In my view emphasising a project's responsibility for the
conduct of its mentors rather than placing individual responsibility on
mentors like this would serve to avoid the following potential barriers to

   - As already been suggested by Benjamin: The mentor contract might
   potentially put mentors off of participating. I would go further and say it
   could put off the sensible ones, actually. From the mentors perspective
   that contract essentially seems to infer that if things go wrong that it is
   not just GNOME who takes no responsibility for that. Unlike Jan, I can
   absolutely concede that if a mentor did sign this document that this mentor
   would not have a leg to stand on in a civil court whether or not they were
   defending themselves against their project or the intern or whether they
   were suing GNOME. To my mind, it follows that anyone signing that mentor
   contract is not likely to be risk-averse, at best.

   - Perhaps a less obvious consideration but possibly even more important
   is that the absence of a project contract means projects are not given an
   opportunity to pause for thought when they are selecting their members to
   put forward for mentor roles. As things are, what's to stop a project going
   for the money and just putting any old numpty in for the role, to the
   probable detriment of the intern and the aim of their project to go ahead
   score "diversity points", for themselves on paper?. Neither the mentor nor
   intern documents send out any kind of message to the projects themselves
   about their responsibility in OPW, as far as I can tell. Maybe there is
   another document we have not seen between projects and GNOME, in that case
   it would be good for mentors and interns to know about that.

We all live in a world where the vast majority of people just don't tend to
go around filing lawsuits unless they have exhausted all other options
especially not people who have yet to establish themselves in their chosen
field. So the thing to recognise is that the law serves not simply to deal
with problems once they have arisen, but to prevent issues from arising in
the first place. I have to wonder what issues are these documents
practically likely to prevent from happening?

Forgetting GNOME for a minute to look at the following three parties the
mentor organisation, their mentor and their intern. We have to ask:

   - Whose interests are most being protected by these contracts whose are
   least protected?
   - We have to ask who is most vulnerable party and who is least
   vulnerable party?

We have to ask those things because the aim is to tackle discrimination of
under-represented minorities and yet when we have asked those questions, It
does unfortunately become quite clear that the most protected and least
vulnerable in all of this is the mentor organisation project and that the
least protected and most vulnerable in all of this is actually likely to be
the intern. That is not what OPW is supposed to be about. So whilst I do
appreciate the rationale behind these documents I do feel that the contents
do seriously need a rethink if they are to stay true to what OPW really
means for the sake of everyone concerned.

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