Hi Emmanuele,

> these roles already exist, and are generally assigned to the elected
> directors during the first board meeting.

Seems a bit unorthodox, but as long as they're willing and able to manage
the additional workload I can't see anything wrong with that. :-)

currently, Andrea Veri is the secretary (hence why he sends the
> minutes of the board meetings), and the treasurer is Ekaterina
> Gerasimova.
> you can see the various roles and who holds them on the wiki:
> https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/

Thanks for the information. I notice that there is no contact information
for any of the teams or links to indicate who they are and what their
currently working on. It seems unlikely that someone would easily be able
to figure out how to help them out.

> I'm not sure what "Research & Development" means.

if it's a technological role, then everything we do is, broadly
> speaking, "research and development".

As far as I am aware, nobody does any statistical research at GNOME. What
informs strategic decisions?

I'd very much like to see a team devoted to event planning and sponsoring,
> working with
> local teams where necessary, but mostly driving the organization of
> conferences like GUADEC, GNOME.Asia, and the GNOME Summit.

Would the events team not be in charge of that stuff?

> I'm not entirely sure why these should be "democratically elected". I
> personally prefer very much a culture of do-ocracy, where those who
> show up and do the work get to decide what and how to do it, as
> opposed to various instances of backseat driving that we've all
> experienced on various mailing lists.

I can't really comment on the examples you're thinking of, since it is not
clear what you're referring to . However, I would have thought that in
general people would be inclined to vote for those who they felt were most
qualified to fill a role or they wouldn't vote at all. Like a democracy, a
"do-acracy" only really works for the benefit of everyone if there is equal
access to the same information and opportunities from the outset.

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