On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 11:50 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna <s...@ramkrishna.me> wrote:
> I just want to thank everyone on the sysadmin team for this.  This has
> been a long time coming and took quite amount of work due to the fact
> that we had a specialized bugzilla install.  It's times like this is
> why having an expert sysadmin team is so important.  We are _lucky_ to
> have such awesome ones.  I've worked in a lot of environments, and I
> know what I speak of.
> Thanks again guys, you guys are the best!

> Now if we can maybe get someone to change the UI a bit on bugzilla
> that would be something...
Yeah that would be awesome.

-mvh Oliver Propst
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