On Sat, Aug 29, 2015, 4:45 AM Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org> wrote:

= Minutes for Wednesday, August 05th, 2015, 10:00 CEST =

Next meeting date TBD

== Attending ==
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Jeff Fortin
 * Allan Day
 * Andrea Veri

* Old board members attending:
 * Tobias Mueller

== Regrets ==
 * Cosimo Cecchi
 * Christian


Just a correction, I was at this meeting from 1pm onwards.

 * Old board members:
  * Karen Sandler
  * Marina Zhurakhinskaya
  * Sriram Ramkrishna

== Missing ==

== Board meeting ==

 * Quick round of introduction for new and old members
  * Motivations and what they'd like to see happening this year
  * Tactical evaluation of everybody's capabilities and availability for
board work (a.k.a. character profiles or "specializations & interests")

 * Introspection — what went well in 2014, what didn't, and understanding
the constraints the board was dealing with beneath the surface
  * Kat: The first part of the year has been very busy for the whole Board
with the Groupon's legal matter
  * Kat: In the ending part of the term a few members lost interest in
Board's activities as they found a new job
  * An ED kept the advisory board members in touch with the GNOME
Foundation and kept them engaged with GNOME's activities
  * ACTION: Jeff to get advisory board contact details from Karen. If this
fails, we need to start developing our own contacts and record them on the
wiki. (Once we have these, we need to discuss how to make use of them!)
  * ACTION: start doing quarterly advisory board meetings again.
  * ACTION: complete the 2014-15 annual report.
  * ACTION: ensure that we have an ambassadorial presence at key
conferences. Remind Sri to do this at the conferences he attends. Review
which  conferences we should be at; organise people to attend (Christian
could help with this - need to identify other individuals).

We probably need to discuss what this translated to.  Next month I will be
talking freshman at Purdue school of science..  Any ideas on what to do

 * Preparing the GUADEC Advisory Board Meeting
   * Christian will be arriving in the afternoon only, so will be an
afternoon only meeting.
   * Attendees: Christian Schaller at noon, Scott Reeves, current board
(7), Rosanna, Tobi, Sri (?)

I was there :)

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