Thanks Allan for answering.

An update of a discussion we had yesterday, one thing we would like to have is 
maintainers of the projects being the chanserv op of that corresponding 
channel. For that you need to register the channel to chanserv and you will 
have full access to the irc channel features, and become op too.
For that you will need chanop first, and we can provide that on a personal 
I found these channels that would be good to have registered to someone since 
they have a clear maintainer:
clutter documents evolution geary gegl gitg gnome-builder gnome-calendar 
gnome-games gnome-os gnome-shell gnome-software grilo gtk+ libpeas libsoup 
photos polari totem tracker

If you are maintainer of one of those and is not registered channel yet or you 
are not op, please ping me on IRC to give you op status to be able to register 
the channel.


Best regards,
Carlos Soriano

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Proposal: creation of IRC Operators Team
Local Time: December 12, 2016 1:21 PM
UTC Time: December 12, 2016 12:21 PM
To: Carlos Soriano <> <>

Carlos Soriano via foundation-list <> wrote:


For that reason I proposed to Andrea Veri to give OP status on several main 
channels to some of us that are more time present in most of main IRC channels. 
I gathered some information of what channels need some established OP's and 
what people could be those OP's, effectively creating a kinda "GNOME IRC 
Operators Team".

Sounds good to me. Thanks for this initiative, Carlos!
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