On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 05:07:43PM +0900, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> Regarding competition of fundraising for the *development* of
> individual projects - I don't think competition with foundation
> fundraising is an issue; as there is no conflict of interest.
> When people sponsor the foundation, they expect to be paying for
> infrastructure, operational overhead, occasional legal advice,
> conference and hackfest budget, etc.

OK, indeed there is no conflict of interest. But, currently, I think
that people who donate to the GNOME Foundation are not always aware that
the money isn't primarily used for development (at least that was the
case for me when I was just a simple user years ago).

So by listing other fundraisings on the GNOME website, this would maybe
have the effect that the GNOME Foundation receives less donations.

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