On Wed, 2017-12-06 at 16:29 +0000, Neil McGovern wrote:
> Hia,
> On Wed, 2017-12-06 at 12:22 +0100, Benjamin Berg wrote:
> > How much spending are you expecting to be done through the travel
> > policy for the next financial year and in which items in the budget
> > is this represented?
> > 
> We have $40,000 budgetted for the travel committee, and that is in the
> Events line. The other additional one in there is $3k for "GNOME
> events" which covers things like release party reimburements, or other
> small events which are run.

I mean spending through the travel policy, not spending by the travel
committee. As I understand it those are entirely separate processes and
therefore I would expect separate items in the budget for this.

I would find it rather odd if your travel as ED comes out of the TC

> Note, this 40k doesn't cover GUADEC travel as I understand it, that
> falls under the GUADEC budget line.

I am personally aware that the TC also gets budget indirectly through
the conferences and internships.


> > PS: Other than that, I noticed:
> >  * Limit for flights is >$1,650 in the summary but >$1800 in the text
> I believe that this is as it's for 1650 for the flight portion, and
> 1800 total. The actual change that got introduced at conservancy is:
> https://k.sfconservancy.org/policies/changeset/9569a5bbae38cffa181caa9d
> f9cd91fcd3169e8e

Ah, so total vs. airfare only. It stuck out to me as the domestic
travel numbers match exactly.

> >  * Text says "Conservancy" (instead of Foundation?) in one place
> Nice catch, thanks!
> As a bit of background, we're basically copying Conservancy's travel
> policy here. They've done the research on what's legal for a 501(c)(3)
> to do, and have sensible limits in place. It saves us rolling our own
> as well.

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