On 28 March 2018 at 17:03, Allan Day <a...@gnome.org> wrote:
> = Foundation Board Minutes for Tuesday, March 27th 2018, 18:00 UTC =
> Next meeting date Tuesday, April 3rd 2018, 18:00 UTC
> == Attending ==
>  * Alexandre Franke
>  * Meg Ford
>  * Didier Roche
>  * Cosimo Cecchi
>  * Allan Day
>  * Nuritzi Sanchez
>  * Rosanna Yuen
>  * Neil McGovern
> == Regrets ==
> == Missing ==
> == Agenda ==
>  * Fractal Hackfest (Neil)
>  * LibrePlanet update (Neil)
>  * GNOME.Asia status update (Nuritzi)
> Postponed until next week:
>  * Employee Handbook & Records Retention Policy (Nuritzi)
>     * 
> https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoardPrivate/Staff/EmployeeHandbook#Records_Retention_Policy

Hi board, is there any reason for the employee handbook to be private?
It shouldn't contain any sensitive information and can potentially be
useful as a basis for other foundations/not-for-profits if it's freely

>  * Bi-annual committee reports (Nuritzi)
>  * Reviving Free Software Macedonia (Allan)
>  * Code of Conduct committee charter (Allan)
>  * Role of the Executive Director and Director of Operations with
> regards to the Board (Allan)
> == Minutes ==
>  * Fractal Hackfest (Neil)
>   * Alexandre, who is one of the organisers, has emailed the board
> about this. The organisers want to pay in advance for shared
> accommodation, which the travel committee has said should be referred
> to the board.
>   * Cosimo - would like some guidance from the TC regarding whether
> individuals quality for travel.
>   * Meg - would like guidance from the TC on the amount of funding
> that's acceptable for each individual.
>   * The hackfest would like a sponsored social event. This falls under
> the small events budget, so should be directed to the Engagement Team.
>   * ACTION: Meg to email the TC to ask for the information we'd like,
> so the board can make a decision.
>   * ACTION: Meg to reply to Alexandre's original email, in order to
> keep the organisers in the loop.
>   * Alexandre: would like timlier responses to emails like this (it
> was sent 5 days ago).
>  * LibrePlanet update (Neil)
>   * Neil went to LibrePlanet last week.
>   * Karen Sandler won the big individual contributor award
>   * Participated in a "SpinachCon" user testing session on GNOME,
> which produced some interesting results. Neil will be feeding these
> back.
>  * GNOME.Asia status update (Nuritzi)
>   * The first meeting for GNOME.Asia 2018 happened today. There's a
> call for hosts. Max is making plans to hold it in Taiwan in August.
>   * They're planning to ask us for $2k, plus travel, but they need to
> move quickly. This amount is very low.
>   * Neil - the board shouldn't approve anythnig until we get the
> accounts from last year. He's been asking for these for months.
> Nuritzi - but each event does have different local organizers.
>   * Allan - they should follow the standard conference policy in order
> to receive funding (https://wiki.gnome.org/Foundation/Conferences).
>   * Question around the GNOME.Asia call for bids - should the
> GNOME.Asia coordinators be able to run the bidding process themselves?
>    * Alexandre would like them to make an effort to participate in the
> wider GNOME community, and to include the GNOME community in the
> bidding process. For example, advertising the bidding process on the
> standard mailing lists, encouraging the community to comment on bids.
>    * Allan - doesn't have a problem with events holding their own
> bidding processes. Board approval isn't final (so doesn't nullify the
> result of a bidding process) - a local team can improve their proposal
> and present it again.
>    * Neil - doesn't mind who runs the bidding process, but it should
> be conducted in the open.
>   * ACTION: Nuritzi to inform the local team of the board's
> requirements, and to ask that the bidding process be more open in the
> future.
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