Hey Benjamin,

Not sure the previous board can talk anymore as a single entity since no
more meetings happen etc. However, I can express here my own take as a
member of the previous board.

I found that given that there was a period of two months for feedback and
the small amount of feedback got, the general consensus was that it's fine
and that going around and making this more convoluted wasn't very useful or
interesting for most of the people. Even more if the current set up was
intended also as a good starting point but that something to improve over

This is something I experienced with the GitLab initiative itself, and that
got much more attention and feedback, and even though that feedback
happened, some topics weren't just getting much feedback, they were just
okay with it.

What I felt was that although CoC is a sensible and delicate topic and I
would have expected it would have got much more attention, at the end it
didn't got so much and most people were okay with the current set up and
processes and were okay by the board approving/readjusting as we do with
many other things. Personally, the amount of feedback got together with
what I could gather around in person with different members is I believe a
good sign of that.

Hope that clarifies a bit or that it gives a different perspective.


On Fri, 20 Jul 2018 at 00:11, Benjamin Berg <benja...@sipsolutions.net>

> Hi,
> This is more of a question to the previous board.
> Note that it may well be that I have simply missed the information in
> the minutes. It could also be that the information is currently not
> available to me as the minutes containing the ratification vote are
> currently still private[1][2].
> This question relates to the original Board ticket[2] on the topic and
> an earlier meeting discussing the event Code of Conduct and
> ratification[3]. This ticket says that the "board needs to consider
> letting the community vote eventually". The referenced meeting suggests
> an "affirmation vote at GUADEC" was planned.
> However, no such vote by the community has happened. Instead, it
> appears that the Board ratified the event Code of Conduct and related
> documents without further community involvement.
> Could the Board please elaborate as to why these considerations were
> dismissed again at a later point?
> Benjamin
> [1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Board/issues/60
> [2] https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Board/issues/10
> [3] https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20180424
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