
Thanks for the minutes!

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 11:16 AM Philip Chimento via foundation-list <
foundation-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hello from your new secretary! A few points of order to accompany these
> minutes:
> These minutes were recorded during the meeting and published on the wiki
> by Allan. Starting with the following board meeting, the minutes will
> generally be recorded by me or Federico.
> I apologize for the delay in sending them to foundation-list as I wasn't
> yet aware of how the full process was supposed to work. For future board
> meetings, you will be able to count on them being sent more promptly.
> Also note that the date of the next meeting is wrong, but in order to
> avoid a discrepancy between the published minutes on the wiki and on the
> mailing list I've left it as is. The next meeting is actually Tuesday 24
> July 2018 at 15:30 UTC.

Will the Board be meeting on Tuesdays from now on? It’s good to know in
case there’s a urgent request and I (or anyone else) wants to send it
before the Board meets.


> Location on wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20180704
> = Foundation Board Minutes for Wednesday, July 4th 2018 UTC =
> Next meeting date Tuesday, July 10th 2018, 18:00 UTC
> == Attending ==
> * AllanDay (remote)
> * NuritziSanchez
> * CarlosSoriano
> * PhilipChimento
> * FedericoMenaQuintero
> * RosannaYuen
> * DidierRoche
> * RobertMcQueen (remote)
> == Regrets ==
> * KatGerasimova
> * CosimoCecchi
> * MegFord
> * NeilMcGovern
> == Missing ==
> == Agenda ==
> * Appoint board officers
> * Appoint committee members and board liasons
> * Executive Director line manager
> == Minutes ==
> * Appoint board officers
>   * VOTE: appoint the following as listed:
>     * President: Nuritzi Sanchez
>     * Vice-president: Allan Day
>     * Secretary: Philip Chimento
>     * Vice-secretary: Federico Mena Quintero
>     * Treasurer: Carlos Soriano
>     * Vice-treasurer: Rob McQueen
>     * +1 unanimous
> * ED line manager
>   * Currently Allan. Has bi-weekly calls with Neil, sends a report to the
> board.
>   * Question - what is the role of the line manager? Purely pastoral, or
> board representative? Technically the ED is answerable to the board as a
> whole, but the board doesn't currently have board-only discussions.
>   * Rob - board meetings are typically when the ED is held to account by
> the board. The line manager is more of a pastoral role. Should cover
> professional development.
>   * Rob has management and HR expertise and could take on the role - he'll
> take over from Allan
>   * Rob to provide progress reports and assist setting up HR processes for
> the Foundation
> * Appoint committee members and board liaisons
>   * We want to have a board member on each committee, to act as liason.
> Each liason doesn't have to be an active committee member - just has a
> formal membership so they can participate in a limited capacity.
>   * VOTE: appoint the following committee members as listed:
>     * Code of conduct: Federico Mena Quintero (*), Felipe Borges, Rosanna
> Yuen
>     * Sponsorship: Alberto Ruiz, Emily Chen, Sri Ramkrishna, Wen Qixian,
> Executive Director, Rob McQueen (*)
>     * Travel: David King, Germán Poo-Caamaño, Michael Hall, Adelia Rahim,
> Philip Chimento (*)
>     * Engagement: Nuritzi Sanchez (*), Sri Ramkrishna, Rosanna Yuen, Neil
> McGovern
>     * Membership: Tobias Mueller, Andrea Veri, Pascal Terjan, Kunal Jain,
> Marcin Kolny, Carlos Soriano (*)
>     * (*) indicates board liaison
>   * +1 unanimous
>   * In future, the board would like to create guidelines for committees,
> so that we can set expectations and ensure that members are active and
> responsive.
> * ACTION: each liasion to communicate the vote back to their respective
> committee - https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Board/issues/68
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> foundation-list@gnome.org
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