
the projects-old website [1] was decided to be left around in 2013
right after transitioning projects pages to the GNOME's wiki
(projects.g.o is a vhost that contains a set of redirects since then)
for a short period of time while the transition was happening. I
believe it's now a good time (after 5+ years!) to retire the former
website all together. We'll be removing the vhost and the associated
DNS entry on Friday 7th of December. If there's anyone interested in
keeping it active please let me know so we can keep it around for some
additional time, the code behind it is available on GitLab [2].


[1] https://projects-old.gnome.org
[2] https://gitlab.gnome.org/Archive/gnomeweb-wml



Red Hatter,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

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