Amending to this: Although I voted -1 back then, I can see now how this was
a nice PR and "networking" for us (apart of the nice social implications of
course), and this is something we usually lack... it would be a +1 now for


On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 at 08:43, Philip Chimento via foundation-list <> wrote:

> = Foundation Board Minutes for Monday 10 December, 16:30 UTC =
> Wiki location:
> == Attending ==
>  * RobMcQueen
>  * AllanDay
>  * KatGerasimova
>  * CarlosSoriano
>  * PhilipChimento
>  * NeilMcGovern
>  * RosannaYuen
> == Regrets ==
>  * NuritziSanchez
> == Missing ==
>  * FedericoMenaQuintero
> == Agenda ==
>  * FOSDEM travel approvals (Allan)
>  * Donation for FLOSS Desktops For Kids project (Neil)
>  * Review board initiatives (Allan)
>  * Holiday meeting dates (Allan)
>  * Michael Hall's resignation from the travel committee (Philip)
> == Minutes ==
>  * FOSDEM travel approvals
>    * VOTE: Approval for Neil and any board members attending the advisory
> board meeting at FOSDEM to use the Foundation travel policy.
>      * +1 Unanimous
>  * Donation for FLOSS Desktops For Kids project
>    *
>    * This request came in from Sri. The Open Source Initiative's
> fundraising drive this year is to support the FLOSS Desktops For Kids
> project. This supports children learning about computers, and installing
> free software on old hardware.
>    * Kat: Is there anything GNOME-related in this project?
>      * Neil: No particular members are involved, but they do install
> Ubuntu on the computers so GNOME is going on the desktops.
>    * Neil: The OSI is a 501(c)3 so we are allowed to give them money, and
> this aligns with our mission.
>    * Philip: How large would the donation be?
>      * Neil: It's up to the board, but USD 1000 would be a meaningful
> donation.
>    * Carlos: How needed is the donation? Are they relying on us?
>      * Neil: No, this was a nice suggestion from Sri for something that we
> might want to support.
>    * Kat: What impact would a donation of USD 1000 make and how will it be
> used?
>    * Philip: Leaning towards yes, it's a good cause and nice gesture, but
> I would like to read more about the program.
>    * Carlos: Leaning towards no, not convinced about donating to other
> organizations without more clear direct benefit to GNOME.
>    * Rob: In the middle, it seems like there are many more of these causes
> that we could support and I'm not convinced that GNOME donors would expect
> us to use GNOME funds in this way.
>      * Kat: Agree with Rob.
>    * Rob: What would you do, Neil?
>      * Neil: I've always been wary of funding other things with GNOME
> funds, we are not a grant-making organization, but it is a relatively small
> amount of money, quite aligned with what we do, and enables children to get
> exposed to free software and technology.
>    * VOTE: Donate USD 1000 to the FLOSS Desktops For Kids project.
>      * +1 Rob, Allan, Kat, Philip
>      * -1 Carlos
>      * Vote passed.
>  * Review board initiatives
>    * It's been a while since the last meeting and it would be good to
> review what we're working on and identify things that have possibly stalled.
>    * Rob: We should push forward with the "What is a GNOME module"
> question, as we will have to have a period of community consultation before
> making anything official in that topic.
>      * Allan: Let's have a call next week about this.
>    * Carlos: We should finish discussing the Foundation's 1-year goals
> that we didn't finish during the hackfest.
>      * Allan: What's the status of that?
>      * Neil: The next step is for me to operationalize the 5- and 10-year
> goals into 1-year goals, and propose those to the board. I haven't had time
> for that over the past couple of weeks due to interviews, but I will be
> able to do it in the new year.
>      * Carlos: I will look at the existing document and polish it up a bit
> before sending it on to Neil.
>    * Kat: I can pick up the devolved conference bidding process next week.
>      * Allan: We can have a call about it after you do that.
>    * Philip: I will try to work on the revised travel policy over the
> holidays, and get it into a state where we can have some rounds of edits
> when Nuritzi returns.
>    * Allan: How about FOSDEM and the advisory board meeting?
>      * Neil: Make sure to sign up so there is space for you at lunch, if
> you attend in person.
>      * Neil: There will be a GNOME Beers event, and a copyleft conference
> on Monday for people who are staying for it.
>      * Kat: Anything to do for GNOME Beers?
>        * Neil: The venue might change, it was overloaded last year.
>        * Kat: Let me know if the venue changes and I will update the
> poster.
>      * Kat: I will print merchandise for FOSDEM, reimbursements?
>        * Neil: As long as we know the value of the merchandise we sold.
>    * Allan: I would like to do a budget review in the new year.
>      * Neil: March would be a good time for that, considering workload,
> and we will be at half of the fiscal year at that point.
>    * Allan: Kat, is there anything to take note of for GUADEC?
>      * Kat: The board could book their travel already.
>      * Kat: We have a keynote speaker, and are looking at booking a whole
> hotel for the participants. Looking at registration system right now
> (OpenEvent) - going a bit slowly as we don't have the needed expertise.
>      * Carlos: How is the sponsorship going to work, without Alberto on
> the sponsorship committee?
>        * Neil will pick it up.
>      * Kat: When will the sponsorship brochure appear?
>        * Neil: Early 2019.
>  * Holiday meeting dates
>    * Kat: Propose keeping the 17th, and skipping the 24th and 31st.
>      * No objections.
>    * Allan: How long are we keeping this new meeting time?
>      * Philip: It's intended to last until the daylight savings time
> changes in March, if this time works for Nuritzi when she returns.
>  * Michael Hall's resignation from the travel committee
>    * The board notes the resignation and thanks Michael for his work.
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