Name: Robert McQueen
Corporate affiliation: Endless
IRC, Twitter, Telegram, Signal, etc: ramcq

Dear Foundation members,

I would like to announce my intention to stand for re-election for a
second term as a director of the GNOME Foundation, not least because I
believe the Foundation will benefit from the stability of longer-
serving Board members and longer Board terms, and that my participation
over the past year has been a net positive. :)

I am currently the Chief of Engineering at Endless, and we are building
new channels and markets to bring our GNOME-based desktop OS in front
of more users, and provide accesss to technology to empower people. I
have been using and contributing to GNOME in a personal and
professional capacity for almost 15 years, most recently contributing
to Flatpak and helping to found and build the Flathub app store and
address technical barriers to attracting app developers to the free

Professionally, I have served as a founder, company director or
executive for that entire period, building products based around GNOME
and the free desktop technology stack, and I am pleased have the
opportunity to bring this commercial experience, and familiarity with
the industry, legal and financial issues, into helping the GNOME
Foundation grow as a more effective and impactful organisation. In the
process of deciding to stand again I sought informal feedback from
fellow board members, and the general opinion was that my advice and
experience in the board meetings has been appreciated, although I
encourage you to ask them for their thoughts yourselves.

In my previous term on the Board I have served as the line manager for
the Executive Director, including setting the priorities for Neil and
his team to drive for the strategy that the Board outlined at the start
of the year. As with other board members I am trying to craft the Board
into a more regular advisory (and, barring optional additional
participation, less time-consuming!) role and have the Foundation use
its current resources and staff effectively to raise more funds and
launch more ambitious programs.

I also drafted and implemented the charter for the Compensation
Committee to independently vet the ED's salary, to improve the
tax/legal compliance of the Foundation as increased donations may
subject us to increased scrutiny. I participated in that compensation
committee (although most credit is due to Carlos and Nuritzi) and
partnered with Allan and Carlos to refine thinking around defining what
is GNOME software and how that interacts with use of trademarks and
other resources.

Given the opportunity to serve the Foundation again on the Board of
Directors, I will continue striving for GNOME to become a more
impactful, widely-used and widely-deployed desktop in order to preserve
end-user freedom, and seek to remove roadblocks to the successful
commercial adoption of the desktop and our technologies at scale.

Many Thanks,
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