On 5/31/19 4:43 PM, James wrote:

> Hi Jeremy!
> Really glad to see that you're running for the board!
> Assuming I'm correct in that we're allowed to ask questions to
> prospective candidates here, I'll throw in a few...
> (Other candidates are welcome to answer as well.)
> 1) What distribution(s) do you use on your personal and work laptops
> and desktops?

Work desktop uses a custom distro based on debian (gLinux). Can't
go into more details due to corporate rules :-). The
desktop here is based on Cinnamon, which is a Gnome3
fork I believe.

At home I have several Ubuntu machines (laptops and desktops).
The family generally use Canonical's Unity as that's what
they got used to. I bounce between Unity and Gnome3 as
distributed on the latest Ubuntu release (19.04 is the
latest I upgraded).

> 2) What's the biggest technical difficulty you've had with modern GNOME?

Hmm. Mostly it "just works (tm)" :-). The things I
used to complain about with Nautilus got re-added
back in the latest releases. Would be nice to see
Wayland finished and become the default display
server but that's not Gnome's project.

> 3) How will you help GNOME succeed on modern mobile devices where the
> hardware is often very locked down or difficult to get running on?

That's a really hard one :-). As you may know, I'm
really not a fan of DRM, but we had some success
on Chromebooks which have a developer mode allowing
non-Google code to be installed due to the requirements
of GPLv3 code - so GPLv3 anti-drm features (which I had
a hand in adding to the license) are very important.

Locked down environments are unpleasantly susceptible
to security holes which can't be fixed other than
by the vendor.

At a recent CERT meeting in San Francisco I attended
I did make the point that license compliance is the
first step in being able to report a software Bill
Of Materials which is the basis of tracking any
security problems in the Free Software/Open Source
components a company may ship (and *everyone* ships
FLOSS code these days).

To cut a long story short, we won't fix this overnight,
but patience and education to vendors is our only
possible path forward.

> Thanks and good luck! You have my support =D
> James

Thanks !


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