
I attached a text file with the text that gave me my basis for this accusation 
from Neil McGovern' s blog: Liberal Musings. 

I call for Neil McGovern to step down from his position as the Executive 
Director of the GNOME Foundation for the betterment of software freedom, basic 
civility in the community, ethics, and professionalism between the community 
and the world at large. 

It is one thing for someone to not have reading comprehension skills and it is 
a magnitude of another to personally jump on the bandwagon to defame, 
criminally libel, and outright lie, about what RMS said in the infamous letter. 
It is unethical and unprofessional for someone in an Executive position to do 
so. Let me be very clear: the words used and how they were used in this 
campaign against RMS are grounds for him to sue a lot of people if he so 
choosed to do so. His opponents lacking his ethical rigour know he won' t and 
mistake his virtue as a weakness and used criminal and low brow methods against 
him. Very sore losers since they obviously cannot argue him.

First this is what Neil McGovern wrote:

"This came after the president of the FSF made some pretty reprehensible 
remarks saying that the “most plausible scenario is that [one of Epstein’s 
underage victims] presented themselves as entirely willing” while being 

This poor victim was already trafficked Neil McGovern (your actions were so 
despicable I refuse to call you with any civil salutation), Epstein was 
prostituting her. Two separate crimes but you apparently picked one to care 
about, the one that brings outrage and people stop analyzing what you are 
saying as a whole based on emotion.  As anyone who has lived on the streets, or 
worked with street people knows, Mr.Stallman was perfectly right in what he was 

This can be easily observed by driving to a red light district and pretending 
to be a client. There is also the thing called Stockholm Syndrome where 
kidnapped females after release sympathize and defend their kidnappers. Romans 
and the Sabines ~2, 600 years ago. It happens over and over where the coerced 
is presented as willing. It is a very documented, heavily researched, fact that 
is recognized from psychology too social workers and your outrage of someone 
pointing out the obvious in the know only shows it is you at fault for 
misinterpretation of easy adult reading and then going overboard in your 

McGovern should have consulted prostitutes, rape victims, kidnap victims, 
psychologists, people who have experience and professional credentials in the 
subject matter before he unethically and unprofessionally threatens another 
organization with  "...Richard to step down from FSF and GNU and let others 
continue in his stead. Should this not happen in a timely manner, then I 
believe that severing the historical ties between GNOME, GNU and the FSF is the 
only path forward." That is blackmail based on libel. Two for two in criminal 
activity here and this is the Executive Director of GNOME? The resignation of 
RMS only makes a point more solid; that Neil McGovern used his professional 
office to further a personal, or corporate, the source only known to him or 
insiders, agenda using a flash point that had a good amount of social pressure 
as leverage. Or that his reading comprehension skills are so low, acted rashly 
based on subjective pressures instead of objective analysis makes him 
incompetent for the position. I find that he had an anti-software freedom 
agenda and is willing to use dirty and unethical tricks to be less insulting 
than the other which implies stupidity. Either way it is a remarkable display 
of unethical and unprofessional behaviour that should not be allowed in 
something as far reaching in the GNOME Foundation and the cause of the effect 
does not matter as much as removing the instigator. Neil McGovern with the aid 
of those he supported sullied the reputation of the GNOME Foundation and the 
community amongst the sober minded who usually are a silent majority. No, Neil 
McGovern and the rest of the loud mouthed squeaky wheels you do not speak for 
the majority. Especially when your actions weaken the cause and hands our hard 
won freedoms to proprietary tyrants.

Below I' am going to quote the disputed letter in full so people like Neil 
McGovern in positions of responsibility but act like dirty politicians have 
less chance to manipulate text for their own selfish goals:

"The announcement of the Friday event does an injustice to Marvin Minsky:

“deceased AI ‘pioneer’ Marvin Minsky (who is accused of assaulting one of 
Epstein’s victims)”

The injustice is in the word “assaulting”. The term “sexual assault” is so 
vague and slippery that it facilitates accusation inflation: taking claims that 
someone did X and leading people to think of it as Y, which is much worse than 

The accusation quoted is a clear example of inflation. The reference reports 
the claim that Minsky had sex with one of Epstein’s harem. (See
Let’s presume that was true (I see no reason to disbelieve it).

The word “assaulting” presumes that he applied force or violence, in some 
unspecified way, but the article itself says no such thing.
Only that they had sex.

We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible scenario is that she 
presented herself to him as entirely willing. Assuming she was being coerced by 
Epstein, he would have had every reason to tell her to conceal that from most 
of his associates.

I’ve concluded from various examples of accusation inflation that it is 
absolutely wrong to use the term “sexual assault” in an accusation.

Whatever conduct you want to criticize, you should describe it with a specific 
term that avoids moral vagueness about the nature of the criticism."

Assault is an act of force through violence. Once again a professional with 
experience and credentials will tell you that RMS was right. Assault involves 
physical violence such as using physical force. I recommend looking up Susan 
Ford, AKA Brice Taylor. There is videos of her online speaking and her book 
Thanks For The Memories. This is one concrete example of a pattern. She was 
prostituted by the elite but she never says she was "assaulted" or by the 
rapers. These girl victims are trained to seduce so it does not take much 
thought to assume they will present themselves as willing when their fear of 
punishment/or programming is far greater than what some armchair moralist 
thinks it should be in his chair far away and disconnected. If those they are 
told to deceive and seduce do not use violence then it is not assault, and 
saying so hides a far more serious and heinous crime. A victim of the kind 
Epstien served collaborates what RMS said in his email, a victim of the very 
same people and group that pimped their mind controlled minion to Marvin Minsky 
to. Following the twisted views of Neil McGovern and those attacking RMS; Susan 
Ford, and all the victims of Epstien and his kind somehow defend Epstien and 
his kind when telling of their experience. This is evil and gross, but I' am 
not the one saying this. I' am defending truth from the mouth of survivors of 
this horrific Satanic practice of the Elite as RMS valiantly did also. What 
kind of twisted, evil, malicious, minds, take the experiences of real world 
victims and use them as a human shield for politics'? Here is a case of the 
accusers being worse than what they falsely accuse the innocent of being. 

The attack on RMS is the most relevant example that evil uses perception to 
hide evil. Because of the lies, libel, and all the other shit slinging around 
about what RMS said who knew from previous experience donkeys follow carrots, 
that it is important words are used carefully and especially before you accuse 
someone of horrendous things. Unless you are Neil McGovern, then you just abuse 
your important position of an important organization and criminally bear false 
witness stating you must do evil as a good steward of the community. Any honest 
and capable lawyer will recognize that RMS advocating the proper use of words 
was a prudent move and perfectly legal, and of course it was moral as it is 
highly immoral to accuse someone of supporting the rape of minors.

Luckily we do not have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to hear what a lawyer 
would say as we can consult a law dictionary ourselves. Here is the definition 
of assault:

As can be seen Neil McGovern' s accusations of what RMS said are not true in 
the text itself and not true through legal definitions. This is a very bad 
reflection upon GNOME to involve itself into partisan politics which the 
organization has no role in and the basis to do so is an apparent attack to 
weaken the resolve of the communities attack from proprietary attackers by 
taking out a long standing leader, through deceit. The leader upon whose work 
the GNOME Foundation rests. As honesty is essential to freedom the use of 
deceiving tactics is a betrayal of the essence of software freedom itself and 

The last sentence in the letter that has caused so much turmoil one would think 
is common sense in a 'technical' community. RMS is saying to avoid fuzzy logic, 
hyperbole, subjectivity, emotional control words the useful idiots respond too. 
When a conduct is described through vague terms, or misused outside of their 
definition, this obscurity lessons the immorality of the crime. It leads to 
situations where the petty and unscrupulous use this fuzziness as a weapon. 
Also, when you lesson the immorality of a crime you do injustice to the victim. 
Once again political extremists have used real victims as human shields for 
their cause and every time one does that the real victim' s voice is taken a 
little less serious.

The question is why is an employee of Google the Executive Director of the 
GNOME Foundation? This is a conflict of interest, and one thing RMS never did 
that Google did was hand over personal data so that thousands, if not more, of 
Chinese were incarcerated. RMS fought for the privacy and software rights of 
all and Google sold them to governments so they could operate and make a 
profit. Or the heavy amount of censorship Google willingly participates in 
while one of their employees plays the talking head with, "One of the GNOME 
Foundation’s strategic goals is to be an exemplary community in terms of 
diversity and inclusion. " So when an employee of Google tries to play a moral 
righteous tune it sounds badly out of tune.

It is sad that a portion of the technical community has forsaken a love of 
truth and decided to follow the whimsical fashions of the social thought 

I hope for a correction of a mistake is made and the GNOME Foundation removes 
the Executive Director Neil McGovern or that Neil McGovern resigns himself. If 
not it is decidingly in the favour of the observation that the GNOME Foundation 
supports a radical anti-freedom advocate who is using his office to further an 
anti-free software agenda. 

GNOME relationship with GNU and the FSF

On Saturday, I wrote an email to the FSF asking them to cancel my membership. 
Other people who I greatly respect are doing the same. This came after the 
president of the FSF made some pretty reprehensible remarks saying that the 
“most plausible scenario is that [one of Epstein’s underage victims] presented 
themselves as entirely willing” while being trafficked. This isn’t the only 
incident, but it is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

In my capacity as the Executive Director of the GNOME Foundation, I have also 
written to the FSF. One of the most important parts of my role is to think of 
the well being of our community and the GNOME mission. One of the GNOME 
Foundation’s strategic goals is to be an exemplary community in terms of 
diversity and inclusion. I feel we can’t continue to have a formal association 
with the FSF or the GNU project when its main voice in the world is saying 
things that hurt this aim.

I greatly admire the work of FSF staffers and volunteers, but have now reached 
the point of concluding that the greatest service to the mission of software 
freedom is for Richard to step down from FSF and GNU and let others continue in 
his stead. Should this not happen in a timely manner, then I believe that 
severing the historical ties between GNOME, GNU and the FSF is the only path 

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