Best way is to get FV/DM on PC as a x-win and use "alt+printScreen". Paste this
to word document, Power Point etc.

The advantages are, very fast, good clarity which you may not get by using
"snapshot" and one single document containing all the graphics.

Best regards

Harshad Viradia

Stefano Persico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/01/2001 10:59:11 PM

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"

To:   Foxboro DCS Mail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Harshad Viradia/JAMNAGAR/RIL)
Subject:  Displays Viewer

Hi all
Does anybody know if exist a kind of viewer for FoxDraw/FoxView and
Display Manager displays ?
I' m trying to build a backdocumentation cd and my intention is to
attach also FV-FD and/or DM display . It will be useful to have the
possibility to preview these displays.....
Thanks in advance

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