Loyd,  enter the following steps in a "Calc" block:

TIM             "gets seconds since midnight"
SUB RI01   "set RI01 = to seconds from midnight to 0600 = 21600"
SSP M01   "sets M01 = 1 at 6:00 AM"
CLR M01   "clears M01 after midnight"
IN M01
OSP 1       "set  one shot time = to Accumulator block period time"
OUT BO01  "connect BO01 to the "CLEAR" parameter of the ACCUM block."

Ray Chouinard
Mead Corp

"Loyd Greer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@lists.TheCassandraProject.org> on 03/14/2001
08:31:06 PM

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"


To:   "Foxboro DCS Mail List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Accumulator Block

Hi to the list.
         I would like to clear (reset) an accumulator block at 0600 every
day with the system clock or TOD. If this can be done, I would appreciate
any suggestions on how to do it.

     Thanks in advance
     Also thanks to Joe Gale for help on a Weather Station Display.
     Loyd Greer
     Great Lakes Chem.

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