At 07:35 PM 3/28/01 -0300, Sebastian Roman wrote:

>I have V.6.2.1 and a AW51D and 2 CP60s, the 51D box lock 
>all windows, I couldnīt do anything, so, I restarted the 
>machine. Somebody know the reason for this crash ? 
>Foxboro have a QF ?

Do you use this AW as an operating console? That is, do you call up
the Alarm Manager display on it? If so, sooner or later you'll
encounter the dreaded keyboard lock-up problem.

There are several CARs/QFs regarding lock-ups. Search the CSC web
site for the cure. One of the fixes is to change the behavior of the
windows to switch focus following the mouse pointer.

(I'm too lazy to search the CSC web site right now, so it's left as
an exercise for the readers.)


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