Has everbody forgotten that Foxwatch comms modules could be CP40 these days.

Graham Heath 
> EMEA TAC/ Uk. Service 
+44 1293 406508
+44 1293 417726  FAX

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Deen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 03 May 2001 18:17
To: Foxboro DCS Mail List
Subject: Re: save_all.sh failers on new node

Hi Stan,

Wat type of module is the FoxWatch module? I would not expect a comms
processor to be in /etc/cplns on the system. (FOXWATCH is
usually a COMM10 and does not contain a control database)
Was the system configuration passed through all stations? (just to sync the
system files like /etc/cplns, /etc/aplns, the hosts
table,  System Monitor files and the like, on all of them).
I do not have an Allen-Bradly station at hand and of course the thing you
cannot test will fail!
Can it be CSA died on you? I will have to check tomorrow since I don't have
a lab at home, sorry. The log will be of some help.

Ron Deen@home

Stan Brown wrote:

> One of the other groups here, has just put in a new Foxboro node, and I
> seting up save_all.sh to autobackup the control config's for them.
> However, much to my suprise it failed to bacxkup the AB integrator, and
> FoxWatch modules on that node.
> Her's the log:
> Save-all for all stations in /etc/cplns selected
> Stations selected for save_all:
> Station      Host name
> CP0101       AW0101
> CP0102       AW0101
> AB0101       AW0101
> FOXW01       AW0101
> Checking directories...
> Creating directory /opt/SAVEALLS
> Creating directory /opt/SAVEALLS/backup
> Creating directory for CP0101...
> Creating directory for CP0102...
> Creating directory for AB0101...
> Creating directory for FOXW01...
> All directories OK.
> Checking for available diskspace
> Available space on system: 12910445
> Space required on system: 8000
> Enough space available, continuing...
> #####################################################
> # Automatic save-all procedure started
> # Date:               Thu May 3 07:58:48 GMT 2001
> # Started on:         AW0101
> # Save-all Location:  /opt/SAVEALLS
> # Backup location:    /opt/SAVEALLS/backup
> #####################################################
> #####################################################
> # Save_all starting for: CP0101 on AW0101
> #####################################################
> No previously stored save-all found to backup. Continuing...
> Starting upload/checkpoint.......
> Thu May  3 07:58:48 GMT 2001 --- upload and checkpoint CP0101
> DONE     1 OPEN CP0101!: Thu May  3 07:58:48 2001
> DONE     2 UPLOAD CP0101!: Thu May  3 08:30:25 2001
> DONE     3 SHRINK CP0101!: Thu May  3 08:30:27 2001
> DONE     4 CHECKPOINT CP0101!: Thu May  3 08:32:57 2001
> DONE     5 CLOSE CP0101!: Thu May  3 08:32:57 2001
> DONE     6 EXIT CP0101!: Thu May  3 08:32:57 2001
> upload/checkpoint Complete
> Save_all for CP0101 started
> Save-all for CP0101 successfully completed.
> #####################################################
> # Save_all starting for: CP0102 on AW0101
> #####################################################
> No previously stored save-all found to backup. Continuing...
> Starting upload/checkpoint.......
> Thu May  3 08:33:22 GMT 2001 --- upload and checkpoint CP0102
> DONE     1 OPEN CP0102!: Thu May  3 08:33:22 2001
> DONE     2 UPLOAD CP0102!: Thu May  3 08:51:03 2001
> DONE     3 SHRINK CP0102!: Thu May  3 08:51:04 2001
> DONE     4 CHECKPOINT CP0102!: Thu May  3 08:52:12 2001
> DONE     5 CLOSE CP0102!: Thu May  3 08:52:12 2001
> DONE     6 EXIT CP0102!: Thu May  3 08:52:12 2001
> upload/checkpoint Complete
> Save_all for CP0102 started
> Save-all for CP0102 successfully completed.
> #####################################################
> # Save_all starting for: AB0101 on AW0101
> #####################################################
> No previously stored save-all found to backup. Continuing...
> Starting upload/checkpoint.......
> Thu May  3 08:52:33 GMT 2001 --- upload and checkpoint AB0101
> DONE     1 OPEN AB0101!: Thu May  3 08:52:33 2001
> DONE     2 UPLOAD AB0101!: Thu May  3 09:16:33 2001
> DONE     3 SHRINK AB0101!: Thu May  3 09:16:34 2001
> DONE     4 CHECKPOINT AB0101!: Thu May  3 09:19:49 2001
> DONE     5 CLOSE AB0101!: Thu May  3 09:19:49 2001
> DONE     6 EXIT AB0101!: Thu May  3 09:19:49 2001
> upload/checkpoint Complete
> Save_all for AB0101 started
> There were errors for AB0101.
> FAIL     1 open AB0101!: Thu May  3 09:19:50 2001 -14 ICCopen error:
class= 1 error= 0 text= icConnectCp: icCpConnect problem
> #####################################################
> # Save_all starting for: FOXW01 on AW0101
> #####################################################
> No previously stored save-all found to backup. Continuing...
> Starting upload/checkpoint.......
> Thu May  3 09:19:58 GMT 2001 --- upload and checkpoint FOXW01
> FAIL     1 OPEN FOXW01!: Thu May  3 09:19:58 2001 -14 ICCopen error:
class= 1 error= 0 text= icConnectCp: icCpConnect problem
> DONE     6 EXIT FOXW01!: Thu May  3 09:19:58 2001
> upload/checkpoint Complete
> Save_all for FOXW01 started
> There were errors for FOXW01.
> FAIL     1 open FOXW01!: Thu May  3 09:19:59 2001 -14 ICCopen error:
class= 1 error= 0 text= icConnectCp: icCpConnect problem
> #####################################################
> # Automatic save-all procedure finished
> # Date:Thu May 3 09:20:07 GMT 2001
> #####################################################
> Can anyone provide any insight as to where to start troubleshooting this?
> --
> Stan Brown     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Charleston SC.
> --
> Windows 98: n.
>         useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions
>         a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
>         originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit
>         company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
> -
> (c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is
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