Well, it's been a fun day "upgrading" our historian to AIM*AT on our AW51E.
It's finally working, but I need to mention a very large omission in the
AIM*AT installation instructions:

If your historian has more than 1200 points, which it probably does, you
MUST do the following:

1.      cd /opt/aim/bin, or wherever you installed AIM*AT on your AW51.
2.      Edit the file called "aimapi.cfg".  As shipped, the file has one
line.  You must add a line to this file with your favorite text editor that
looks like this:

                maxobj = (# of points that your historian is licensed for)

                e.g.  maxobj = 20000

If you fail to add this line, your AIM*Historian will only collect the first
1200 points.  Isn't that special?  This little tidbit does not appear in the
documentation, the Release Notes, or anywhere in the 1-week AIM*AT class I
just took in FoxMass.

Also, you may already know this, but it's a good idea to reiterate:  if you
have recently deleted a large number points from your CSA database, make
sure to also delete these points from your Historian.  All Historian
packages use either AIS, AIM*API or FoxAPI to establish connection lists to
the C:B.P points, and if the C:B.P's aren't there, it will take a long time
for either AIS, AIM*API or FoxAPI to start up.  I should have seen that one
coming, but FoxHistory is weird about deleting points.  They don't really
get deleted, they just don't get collected or count toward your license
amount.  Deleted points stay in your configuration forever, taking up index
points.  They show up in red on the GUI, and you can undelete them later if
you want.  I was concerned that if I "deleted" points that I had removed
from the CSA, that I could no longer retrieve them from tape archives.
Turns out, you can retrieve them, since they never really get deleted.

Ah, just another wonderful day in Foxboro-land!


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