This is the correct syntax:

if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Windows_NT" ] # Define executable Name

DO NOT CHANGE THIS TO because then you ruin my day!!

Ron Deen

-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 April 2000 18:34
Subject: Re: New script file:

On Tue Apr  4 10:35:30 2000 Duc M Do wrote...
>You're on the right track, Stan.

        Unfortunately the track seems to have a dead end :-(

        Runing ./ from /opt/tools after changing the name of the
        child script to run produces:

AP0550# ./sa* all

Save-all backup script version: 1.3.2 / March 2000

Save-all for all stations in /etc/cplns selected

Stations selected for save_all:
Station      Host name
AB0550       AP0550
CP0551       AP0550
CP0552       AP0550

Writing logfile in: /opt/tools/saveall.log

Checking directories...
All directories OK.
Checking for available diskspace
Available space on system: 2189799
Space required on system: 6000
Enough space available, continuing...

# Automatic save-all procedure started
# Date:               Tue Apr 4 11:31:52 GMT 2000
# Started on:         AP0550
# Save-all Location:  /opt/SAVEALLS
# Backup location:    /opt/SAVEALLS/backup
./ syntax error at line 472: `end of file' unexpected

        Any sugestions? 
>Near the beginning of the script, there are these lines:
>    if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Windows_NT" ] # Define executable Name
>    then
>       SA_EXEC="save_all.ksh"
>    else
>       SA_EXEC=""             
>    fi
>not knowing anything about the NT platform, I'll leave it alone, but
>for the "else" case, change it to say:
>    else
>    #  SA_EXEC=""             
>       SA_EXEC="save_all"             
>    fi
>That ought to do it from my quick browsing of the script. BTW, Ron Deen
>is on this list, hopefully he'll set me straight if I erred.
>The Cassandra Project

Stan Brown     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
        useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
        a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
        originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
        company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is

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