Hi list

I have five systems with plenty of nodes.

The sysdef of one of the system having 24 nodes showing incorrect IP address in
hardware definition. I am using sysdef, revision 2.0.

The first two filed of most of the IP address in hardware definition shows
127.000 and 158.128 instead of 151.128 (Class assigned to Foxboro).

After day 0 and commit,  /etc/hosts shows correct IP addresses of all the hosts
i.e. 151.128. ... . ....

I have checked the uniqueness of MAC address, NSAP and IP, and are ok.

The sysdef for other systems shows correct IP address in hardware definition.

Can anyone advise, whether its a problem of sysdef software for large
configuration or I am committing some errors.

Thanks in advance.

Harshad Viradia
Reliance Petroleum Ltd.

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