I remotely execute programs from a SCO Unix machine on a AW51B with the
"rcmd " command ( on the SCO Unix machine).
What I had to do:

Create a   file  .rhosts( invisible file; you can see this with the command
"ls -al" )  in the user directories (on both machines)

What you have to put into that file :

in  my case : on the SCO machine :   AW51B  username
AW51B : specified in the host file on the SCOmachine (you can also use the
IP adress)
username : the username on the AW51B where the program is located.
              on the AW51B                  SCOmachine username
SCOmachine is specified in the host file on the AW51B ; again, you can also
use the IP adress
username : username on the SCO machine

So, you only have to specify  a username, no password,although both users
on both machine are password protected.

Hope this helps you.

"Sascha Wildner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@lists.TheCassandraProject.org> on
31/08/2000 14:17:27

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"


To:   "Foxboro Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  rexecing without password


does anyone know if it is possible to remotely  execute commands on other
hosts (either AW70 or AW51) without having to enter a  password?  My
application must be able to do this from either architecture,  all four
combinations (AW70->AW70, AW70->AW51, AW51->AW51 and  AW51->AW70).


Sascha Wildner
erpicon Software Development  GmbH

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