The newer revision KF2's do have the 19.2K option.
But unless you make a 12' cable don't try it.  It will
be slower than 9600 with all the retry's.

Glen Bounds

----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: AB KF2 at 19.2 Kbaud?

> This confused me more than helped to clear things up.  If the
> following is true.
> "The 1770-KF2 does NOT have an option for communicating at 19.2K"
> Does this mean the 19.2K dip switch setting is not really
> available?  The SW6 settings shown on the KF2 cover include 19.2K.
> We have contemplated running at 19.2K, but haven't because of our
> current cable lengths are well over the 20 foot maximum recommended
> length.
> Jim Murphy
> Eli Lilly and Company

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