
We changed the timezone of our off-line set-up to IST while testing IP.21
interface with I/A using following procedure.

#cd /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo
#zic asia (this will create directory called /Asia/Culcutta..)
#cd /etc
Modify TZ=GMT to TZ=Asia/Calcutta
 Reboot AW.

AW also got rebooted and it worked fine.

We checked system monitor time and was showing ok. We did not check historian
data time stamp and CP time at that time.

This was done way back in early 1999.

This is not implemented in any of our on-line systems at site as Local Foxboro
office said that in I/A we can not change time zone from GMT to any other time


Harshad Viradia
Reliance Petroleum Ltd.

"Johnson,Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/20/2000 06:12:46 AM

Please respond to "Foxboro DCS Mail List"

To:   Foxboro DCS Mail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Harshad Viradia/JAMNAGAR/RIL)
Subject:  Changing the I/A Series Timezone

Have any of you changed the time zone setting from GMT to something else?

If so, did you use /etc/default/init?
If so, what did you see as behavior, good and bad.

I've can contribute three items:

1)   The corporate documentation says don't change it from GMT and do not
enable automatic timezone changes.
2)   Some folks that I know say that they did change the time zone at a
site and that the following happened:

          The time indication with following I/A application was
*    System Monitor,
*    Display Manager display
*    Historian sample data display
*    Historian reduction data
*    Historian trend display
*    Operator Action Journal report
*    CP STATION block's HOUR and MINUTE parameters
*    Historian Schedule and Archive window
               But GMT time was shown in :
*    Historian Configuration, Data Display and MDE Data Entry

3)   On one occasion many years ago, a project team changed the timezone
and the machine would not reboot. However, that was a long time ago.

Any one else have any experience?


Alex Johnson
The Foxboro Company
10707 Haddington
Houston, TX 77043
713.722.2859 (v)
713.722.2700 (sb)
713.932.0222 (f)

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