
In case anybody cares and has time to play with this sort of thing.

We just got our first AW 50 series box up and running control blocks. So 
the first thing I did was load all this other stuff that it needs to be 
really useful.  SAMBA was first, then the gnu compiler (whoops it won't 
fit), then Apache, Perl, TCL all this good stuff I probably will never have 
time for.  Then comes the X Server for my PC.  eXceed was way too 
obvious.  I am sure all you have been there-done that.  So what about the 
free X server, XFree86.  That's the one that ships with Linux, blah, blah, 
blah.  There is a Windoze port of it.  It is called DXWin32.  It's a little 
slow, but hey, only two guys work on the code.  Did I mention that it is 
free?  If you are interested in trying the X server, see the abbreviated 
help at  Plus there is lots of stuff on 
the XFree86 page.  Ignore all that stuff about XF86Config unless you are 
trying the Xwin.exe server.

In case you are worried about the integrity of my system, let me say that 
we don't have a plant to run.  We just play. If you have trouble with any 
of this stuff, drop me a line, I'll try to help if I can. BTW, the cygwin 
shell comes with CVS.  That is the source code control system used by all 
the 'Cathedral in a Bazaar' open source guys.  Hmmm--I guess that is next 
on my list.

No doubt some of you have tried to do a pkgadd with a big package (gcc for 
instance) and received the error about no space left on the device.  Just 
for the record, here is how you get around that without having to make 
symbolic links all over the place.  The problem is that /var/tmp is used as 
a temporary directory and the /var partition is really not that big. To get 
around this, you need to use the -s option to pkgadd. (Thanks to some guy 
named Jerry Yu for this).  Suppose we have a package program-1.00-local.gz 
that we have placed in /tmp. Can do the following as root:
#> cd /tmp (or where you put the program file)
#> gunzip program-1.00-local.gz
#> mkdir /tmp/spool (this can be any directory in a place with a lot of 
disk space)
#> pkgadd -s /tmp/spool -d program-1.00-local
#> cd /tmp/spool
#> pkgadd -d .

Hope this helps.
Winston Jenks
Technical Director, Cape Software, Inc.

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