Hi All, (I think this is the standard opening)

I will introduce myself first, I am a DCS engineer working for 2 years with
Foxboro IA, in a small wet country.

I am following this list since I started with Foxboro IA and I saw many
problems solved. Now here is my problem (perhaps its a stupid one, but I'm
breaking my wooden shoe on it).

I want to make a variable selection in a sequence, its written in SFC.

First I made a macro called:

Then I made a variable called:
PUMP and attached to BOOL

In the first selection I want
the following step:

and when I return to the beginning I perhaps want PUMP select to:
the following step:

But what I tried, it didn't work, has someone got a solution ?? This will be
written for a selection of 32 posibilties 

With Kind Regards,
Cor-Jan Baltus
DCS Engineer

KH-AMEC Engineering
Bergen op Zoom
the Netherlands

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