I am now trying another server (IT is sending me around the network) on
which SMTP is working.  My question is is there any way to get the AW to
recognize changes to the hosts file without a reboot?

Chad Airhart
Instrument, Electrical & Control Systems Engineer
Equistar Chemicals, LP.
Victoria, TX
Wk. (361) 572-2568
Pgr. (361) 270-2214 alpha messaging at  www.arch.com
Fx. (361) 572-2541

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Johnson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 9:35 AM
> To:   Foxboro DCS Mail List
> Subject:      RE: [Digest] Email from AW51B to MS Exchange
> Chad,
> Make sure that SMPT is turned in MS Exchange.  You can sometimes get more 
> information by telneting into the Exchange Server.  If port 25 doesn't
> work 
> try port 110 that should be the POP3 port.
> here's a copy of my session
> AW51B1# telnet mailhost 25
> Trying
> Connected to BAMA_NT_SERVER2.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 bama-nt-server2. ESMTP Server (Microsoft Exchange Internet 
> Mail Service 5.5.1960.3) ready
> quit
> 221 closing connection
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> AW51B1#
> So if you can telnet to port 25 (smtp) it might tell you something.
> Good Luck,
> David
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