On Mac OS X I could fix it by deleting line 463 and 464 of crt.pp. Then it works with ALL 6 different terminals (Terminal.app, X11, xterm, aterm, eterm, rxvt, mlterm) I have installed.

Am 15.03.2005 um 10:20 schrieb Jonas Maebe:

On 15 mrt 2005, at 08:51, Dr. Karl-Michael Schindler wrote:

There is a endian related bug in the crt unit, which breaks the examples ex10 and ex11 of the crt docs. The following fixes the bug and makes the code more obvious. I suggest to replace the following two routines. Tested on Mac OS X. It fixes web bug 3788 (I submitted that one) and 3391 as good as possible (submitted by coraxyn). Some small editing corrections as well.

There's still a problem somewhere though: at the end of ex10, the output on the screen is

Line 1
 Line 2
Line 3

Oops, forgot Line 2, let's insert at the cursor postion

Under Linux, there is no space before "Line 2", and from looking at the source, there shouldn't be any. Nevertheless, your patch already solves some other problems, so I've committed it. Thanks.

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