I followed this discussion if that construction (see below) should be
allowed or not (I think it should be allowed, but it's possible to live
without it; I can imagine situations where it could make easier to read),
and I'm missing a bit a discussion forum about the future of FPC. It should
contain what is planned to be implemented, it should contain about ideas of
what could be implemented.

I've read somewhere that Delphi 7 compatibility is planned (since I do not
have it I do not know what that means in detail).

Beside of compatibility towards Delphi or MacPascal or others FPC should be
open to other modifications/extensions (maybe Delphi one day copies FC a bt
:-), and not always the other way round)

Useful extensions I would see:

bigger sets: set of -100000..100000 (e.g.)

a way to write integer constants in any base, not only
binary/octal/hexadecimal (not so important, but easy to implement)

writing of enums to text file;

more operators which can be overloaded (should follow the ALGOL68 rules)

the C-style operators += etc. should better be written as  +:= since C has =
as assignment, Pascal has := as assignment symbol

automatic assignment operators:

          operator * ( a : type1 ; b : type2 ) : type1

    should automatically permit constructions like:

             x : type1,  y : type2 ;

           x *:= y ;

 multiple assignments:

     a := b := c := d := 0 ;


That are just some ideas.  Maybe there are more?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Florian Klaempfl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FPC-Pascal users discussions" <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Re:

> >
> > type
> >  pMyRec = ^tMyRec;
> >
> > type
> >   tMyRec = Record
> >     data:pointer;
> >     next:pMyRec;
> >   end;
> >
> > and this:
> >
> > type
> >   pMyRec = ^tMyRec;
> >
> >   tMyRec = Record
> >     data:pointer;
> >     next:pMyRec;
> >   end;
> >

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