So I fully agree to Ales that the FPC homepage needs a "wow" style.
Despite I do like clear, simple homepages I don't think that this gives
us good PR. Without offending Michael and others for their effort
creating and maintaining the website, I think these pages induce the
impression that FPC is a tiny project, has unreliable release cycles and
progress, it is "just" from hobbyists for their own pleasure and FPC is
only used by some frugal enthusiasts.
I wouldn't say it needs to be complicated or "flash-full". I personaly hate the full-of-flash crappy slow sites no matter how cool they look. But the current page simply looks like some 15 year old's homepage made as school project. Nothing personal here, I mean the whole thing is HUGE and there's really nice technical functionality but the look is simply "ugh". It needs a bit more "edgy and colorful" look.

I think word can make it better: CSS

The main disadvantage of the current website are the bad navigation
scheme and the simplistic layout. I'd therefore propose to take the
following steps:
    1. Collect what information should be on the main page: focus on
       managers and busy visitors, but do not forget on technicians,
       enthusiasts, purists. Do not classify this list, don't
       concentrate on structure, hierarchy, ..., just collect.
    2. sort this list, give it a structure
    3. work out a navigation scheme of the new website (from the
       structured list)
    4. work out a design and look-and-feel for the new website which is
       clear, stylish, "wow", but not loaded.
    5. bring structure, content and design togehter
    6. enjoy and watch interrests

Ok, this is a very simple path, I'm not sure it if works and if enough
man power can be raised. OTOH I'm sure most ideas for the hard part (1)
have already been said and/or can be found on the current web site.

Any suggestions, comments, ideas?


Agreed to an extent. Some things are good as they are only change required is the style.
Some are truly "hidden" behind not-so-logical paths(links).

This is all a huge IMHO ofcourse, by no means do I wish to undermine the works of all people
who already did what is done for FREE.


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