
> Speaking of PR, we have a 2.0.2 to announce within a very short time and 
> we better do it well. We won't be able to do a Slashdot or OSnews 
> announcement, nevertheless we should take these opportunities to promote 
> FPC.
> So, any ideas what sites we should spam? I'm looking for developer focused 
> sites. Pascal/Delphi related sites are welcome, but remember we are 
> already quite famous in that world. We need generic open source related 
> sites.

I recommend the German http://www.pro-linux.de/ Linux/FOSS news site. If
you need help (translation, posting the announcement) I can help. Please
write the text in "news" style because they don't like advertisements.


fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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