
I am busy porting a Delphi application to Free Pascal & Lazarus. Luckily I have a 1400 unit tests to help me along. Running the following unit test under Lazarus & Delphi produces different results! It fails under Free Pascal. I traced the difference to the ExtractFileDrive call. Under Delphi it returns 'c:' and under FPC it returns ''. This was all run under Windows 2000 and FPC 2.0.1

CheckEquals( '', tiUtils.tiRemoveDrive('c:'), 'Failed on 1' );

--------------  CUT  --------------------
function tiRemoveDrive( pStrPath : string ) : string ;
  sDrive : string ;
  sDrive := extractFileDrive( pStrPath ) ;
  if sDrive <> '' then begin
    result := copy( pStrPath, length( sDrive )+1, length( pStrPath ) -
                    length( sDrive )) ;
  end else begin
    result := pStrPath ;
  end ;
end ;
--------------  CUT  --------------------

  - Graeme -

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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