Mattias Gaertner wrote:
Your trick will only give a constant factor on growing/shrinking the list
memory, gives an extra O(n) factor for sorting a TList, the caching costs
time, and the memory usage will also grow.
Just saw this last statement.  The memory usage is very comparable to TList, even with bi-directional (doubly-linked) lists, since TLists tend to grow by leaps.

For example, assuming a linked list item comprises of only a "next" pointer, it requires 8 bytes of memory (4 for the structure itself, 4 for the next pointer).  In this case, 10,000 entries occupy 80,008 bytes (80,000 + 4 for pointer to First + 4 for pointer to Last), distributed around the memory table.  Also keep in mind that the data payload for the linked list item is usually contained within the structure itself.

A TList (stripped down for this case) requires 4 bytes for the list allocation, plus 4 bytes per list entry.  10,000 entries occupy 80,004 bytes.  Now, two things:

1. With automatically growing lists you have a very high likelihood of unused pointers, so while a linked list of 10,000 items is utilizing all 80,004 bytes of memory, the TList allocated (10,000-TList.Count)*4 unused bytes of memory.

2. The TList entry only points to the actual data payload, meaning another 4+n bytes must be allocated to store the data.  This means an additional 40,000 bytes is required for a TList vs. a linked list.  On the other hand, this is equalized in a doubly-linked list.

Disclaimer: this is all based on the Delphi implementation of TList, and may differ slightly (but probably not much) for the FP lists.


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