On 18 Mar 2006, at 16:46, Vincent Snijders wrote:

The gtk2int.pas file of lazarus doesn't compile with fpc 2.1.1 (revision 2954) anymore.

The error message is:
gtk2int.pas(268,67) Error: Wrong type "TObject" in array constructor

Line 268 looks like this:
gtk_list_store_set(FGtkListStore, @ListItem, [FColumnIndex+1, AnObject, -1]);

The declaration of gtk_list_store_set:
procedure gtk_list_store_set(list_store:PGtkListStore; iter:PGtkTreeIter); varargs; cdecl; external gtklib;

I saw in the logs that there were some changes with varargs. Is this a bug in the current compiler or should the lazarus code be fixed?

I don't know, to be honest. C doesn't know objects, so you can't compare with that. C++ doesn't know Delphi-style objects either, its object model is more like TP's. And a pointer to a C++ or TP object is obviously just a pointer like any other, and you can pass pointers to varargs. It is trivial to add support for Delphi-style objects again (since converting those to a pointer is no problem).

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