Dave Parsons wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 23:08:29 +0200, Tomas Hajny wrote:

Hello Dave,

>> I'd like to announce that the third (and
>> hopefully last) release candidate for FPC 2.0.4
>> is available for download for most platforms
>> (i386-linux, x86_64-linux, i386-win32, powerpc-
>> macosx, i386-go32v2, arm-linux and powerpc-
>> linux). You can download it from
>> ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/beta/2.0.4-rc3/.
>> i386-freebsd should be hopefully added in the
>> following days. Please, let us know of any
>> potential showstoppers before the next weekend
>> (Saturday, August 20).
> Hello,
> I'm new to this list and my interests are in Lazarus under
> OS/2 and Linux and therefore by inference fpc.

Lazarus under OS/2? Well, this would still take some time, I guess... Are
you planning to work on OS/2 support in Lazarus, or just interested to see

> I tried to compile Lazarus with the last official fpc release,
> os2200 a couple of days ago, but that was too old.
> So, thanks for this rc which I have downloaded and built
> under OS/2.

Are you talking about compilation of FPC 2.0.4-rc3 sources under OS/2?
OS/2 binaries of 2.0.4-rc2 were uploaded by me earlier. However, I got a
SIGSEGV while trying to build rc3. I already had this in the past and it
unfortunately largely depends on the exact environment (so e.g. it cannot
be reproduced any more if compiling with debug information included :-(((

> I'm still feeling my way around so I'm not sure
> that everything compiled that could be expected, but the
> compiler and many executables are there and work.
> I spotted one comment about GDB as the output scrolled
> past that said that debugging would be unavailable.
> Is this normal or a fault with my set up?

Well, I guess this refers to IDE compilation. Unfortunately, the OS/2
version of GDB is based on ancient 4.16 sources and nobody managed to
create libgdb.a which could be in turn used for including debugging
support in our IDE. You can still debug with standalone GDB or the PMGDB
add-on (both distributed with FPC too). BTW, I didn't include IDE (fp.exe)
in RC1 and RC2 because it was crashing somewhere in the thunking code
inside the EMX libraries (emxwrap.dll or emx.dll) while calling VioShowBuf
(it worked correctly in the past, so I'm not sure what exactly happened
there :-( ). I'd be interested to know whether your experience is


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