Op Fri, 3 Nov 2006, schreef Micha Nelissen:

> Marco van de Voort wrote:
> >> The part after the dot in $LANG. It's possible though that there is no
> >> dot, no idea what to do, maybe assume iso-8859-1 ?
> > 
> > It is also possible there is no LANG, like on all four Stack systems I
> > quickchecked. (freebsd,Solaris and debian mixed)
> No language => assume POSIX => assume iso-8859-1 ?
> Running 'locale' gives POSIX for me if I didn't export a LANG.

No: no language -> C locale. In the C locale you don't know which 
character set is used, and sorting is done according to ASCII value and 
not alphabetically.

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