On Tue, 7 Nov 2006, Michael Schnell wrote:

> > It does.
> >   
> Great !
> > None currently. Only 'Synchronize' is implemented.
> >   
> Like with Delphi :-) .... :-( .
> > Feel free to implement this, but not as a language enhancement, a simple
> > unit should be enough. 
> >   
> ..., at least for the beginning !

Why ? You don't need language enhancements for this IMHO. Scheduling and
messaging is OS territory, not programming language territory.

> I'm sure I'll do this (supposedly in January/February), unless somebody is
> faster than that

I seriously doubt someone will be faster, but one never knows. But I'm
looking forward to your contribution in this area :-)

> >   
> > > 3) Does TTimer work in Linux, now, ? Last time I checked I did not get it
> > > running.
> > >     
> >
> > It works.
> How is TTimer (and TThread.synchronize) done ? I supposed this needs a
> TApplication object to do the event scheduling. Is this provided in the RTL,
> even though TApplication is not hooked to the GUI (as Lazarus would do) ?

TTimer is only available in Lazarus, not in FPC. It's hooked in the event
loop, I suppose.

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