On Wed, 8 Nov 2006, Ales Katona wrote:

> Jonas currently fpc2.1.1 doesn't compile on 2.1.1 with:
> rtl/units/i386-freebsd -di386 -dRELEASE ../unix/cthreads.pp
> cthreads.pp(252,42) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got
> "LongInt", expected "Pointer"
> Note:
> unixtypes thread_t = pointer
> pthreads.inc thread_t (BSD and linux) = cInt {linux is Longint but
> that's just bug)
> pthreads.inc thread_t (Darwin) = pointer
> Result of pthread_most = cInt
> Result of ThreadManager.Killfunctions = DWord
> This is some serious mess. First the threadmanager functions need to
> return a signed result, second the pointer vs cInt stuff has to be
> properly cleaned, remove thread_t from unittypes etc.
> I'd do it myself but am asking for reasons against.

No reasons agains. 

If you clean it up, please do it toroughly :-)

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