Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho schreef:

I added an almost empty system.pp unit to fpc/rtl/symbian just to
test, but the compiler isn´t yet search on this directory for the
system unit.

I am using this command to use FPC 2.0.4 to compile a cross-compiler:

c:\Programas\fpc21> make clean all OS_TARGET=symbian OPT="-va"

Compilation will fail with:

pp.pas(146,1) Fatal: Can't find unit System
Fatal: Compilation aborted

And using -va I can see it isn´t searching fpc21/rtl/symbian

I would start with make cycle.

cd c:\Programas\fpc21
make cycle OS_TARGET=symbian

Then I get this error:
D:/lazarus/source/fpc/2.1/compiler/ppcross386.exe -Tsymbian -XPi386-symbian- -Xc -Xr -Fui386 -Fusystems -Fu../rtl -Fii386 -FE. -FUi386/units/i386-symbian -di386 -dGDB -dBROWSERLOG -Fux86 pp.pas
pp.pas(146,1) Fatal: Can't find unit System

-Fu../rtl doesn't seem correct. As soon as you have a ../rtl/units/symbian directory, that one will be correct.

Another point, the rtl\symbian directory is still empty. But maybe you have more locally.


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