I defined the type matriceE as :

  vecteurF = array of extended;
  matriceF = array of vecteurF;
  matriceE = record
    err     :integer;
    x       :matriceF;

If I define a function such as :

function invM(A:matriceE):matriceE;

and when I call it such as :

invA := invM(A);

the matrix invA.x has zero dimension

If now, I replace this function by a procedure such as :

procedure invM2(A:matriceE;var B matriceE);

the call invM2(A,invA) produces a matrix invA.x of correct dimension.

I add that the function invM runs OK under Delphi 6.0.

Jean-Marie Cornuet

fpc-devel maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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