Marco van de Voort schrieb:
>> Op Sat, 16 Jun 2007, schreef Martin Schreiber:
>>> Hi,
>>> It seems that CG plans to implement an non BSTR widestring type for win32:
>>> The introduced string handling for the "Unicode VCL" is equivalent to the 
>>> string handling in MSEgui BTW.
>> Noted. As COM incompatibilty seems preferable over not working 
>> widestrings, shall I disable the winlikewidestring in 2.1.5?
> Not working? Why is widestring not working? Moreover this would rule out
> getting Delphi (existing Delphi) compatible in the 2.2 series?

I've reverted the change and created a proper fix in 7691. As soon as it
proves being good, I merge it.
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