Hello, fpc-developer list.

Some time ago I posted here proposal to extend platform keyword. You gave a hostile reception to that proposal.

Later Florian in private conversation with me suggested better idea of property attributes. Indeed, attributes are more general solution than platform keyword.

Lets discuss this proposal.

What is the purpose: extend rtti (or another structures that can be accessed at run time) with list of user defined Name=Value items.

How it can be used: since it is generic solution different tools can use it in their own way. For example in LCL we can use attribute 'widgetset' to define widgetset specific properties and show such properties on another Tab of Object Inspector or with different colors (or show hints and so on).

Attached file (open document format can be opened by OpenOffice) contains proposed syntax diagrams and declaration examples.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

Attachment: property_attributes.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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