The IDE does not compile the LCL automatically, so the
interfaces.ppu was not created. You can compile the new widgetset with
'configure build lazarus'.
I just tried to do "clean up and build all" in 'configure build Lazarus'. This seems to have no different effect.

In two locations in 'configure build Lazarus' a widget set can be selected, but to me it seems that this setting influences the way the Lazarus executables are built so that their GUI is using this widget set (I don't understand why there are -two_locations, though). This is why I don't dare to set it: the result will not work.

I suppose when one of the settings is meant to define the widget sets that are available to be selected for the target architecture, there should be multiple checkboxes and not just a single selection.

Which of the two widgetset selections in 'configure build Lazarus' should I use (if any).


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