On Sunday 30 March 2008 20.48:23 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Mar 2008, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> > Inline is used for subforms, components in a form which inherit from
> > another form (TFrame in Delphi), in MSEgui every form can be used as
> > inline component. The ffInline filer flag must be written and the
> > ancestor must be looked up on writing and reading like inherited
> > components.
> OK, So:
>  Form1 = TForm1
>   Frame1 = TMyFrame [inline comes here somewhere]
>   end
>  end
> When Frame1 is streamed, where do I find TMyFrame ? It's Ancestor is not
> being streamed ?
It is like streaming of an inherited form. Lookup the ancestor and write the 
property differences. 
On reading TMyFrame is found by TReader.FindComponentClass (normally by 
GetFieldClass) as with non inlined child components. TMyFrame.Create loads 
the TMyFrame instance with the initial form resource data.


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