On 15 Apr 2008, at 20:42, Martin Schreiber wrote:
On Tuesday 15 April 2008 20.23:39 Jonas Maebe wrote:

Compile the pre-compiled units with -Ur

No success:
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.0 [2007/08/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2007 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling project1.pas
Loading /home/mse/packs/standard/svn/mse/trunk/units/kernel/i386- linux/msesysintf.ppu
Loading /home/mse/packs/standard/svn/mse/trunk/units/kernel/i386- linux/msesysintf.ppu
Loading /home/mse/packs/standard/svn/mse/trunk/units/kernel/i386- linux/msesysintf.ppu
Loading /home/mse/packs/standard/svn/mse/trunk/units/kernel/i386- linux/msesysintf.ppu
Recompiling msesysintf, checksum changed for msefileutils {impl}
Fatal: Can't find unit msesysintf used by msesysutils
Fatal: Compilation aborted

I'm actually not sure whether -Ur makes the compiler also disregard any interface changes, but I think it does. Or are you not compiling msefileutils with -Ur at this point? (and did you only compile previous units with -Ur)

How can I check if I really produced release units?

ppudump unit.ppu|grep "Unit flags" -> check if "release" is mentioned

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