Op Sun, 10 Aug 2008, schreef Boian Mitov:

  Hi Daniel,

Thank you!
As I mentioned I am very new, and still don't know the exact rules of the purpose of specific units. I am not sure if the timers are available on other systems than Linux yet. I am sure there is some form of equivalent. I actually don't have any Kylix code.

In Free Pascal we have spread the functionality over multiple units:
- "baseunix" contains Unix system calls that are portable accross Unixes.
- "unix" contains generally available Unix routines that are portable
   accross Unixes:
- "linux" contains Linux specific system calls.

If the HR timers are not part of any standard, implementing them in "linux" seems the best approach to me.

I am porting Windows code, actually making it cross platform as we support Delphi 5-2007, and plan to support Lazarus for Windows and Linux for now, and hopefully for other platforms in the future. Porting huge code from Windows is slow and error prone process, so I am doing it in stages. For now I have made everything to recompile under Lazarus in Linux, and now I am filling the items I had to cut from the code during the conversion. In Windows I use the Media Timers, and the only equivalent thing I have found in Linux is the High Resolution timers. I have been studding the FPC and Lazarus code, and I discovered the libc, and it seemed as the logical place such timers to be implemented. If they belong to a different location, this is fine. I can also keep them in my code, but I thought other people can benefit from the translation.

Timing on Unix is often done using alarm/setitimer system calls, gettimeofday, etc. I don't know wether these satisfy your needs.

As I said I am days fresh on Linux, and have been playing with Lazarus and FPC under Windows for only a month or so, and I have a lot to learn ;-) . I was able however to get the libraries to work nearly 80% already, and I think in few months can have them ready for deployment. I still will have to figure out how to package them in Linux, and how to deploy them compiled against different visual frameworks, but that is for the future. For now I am focused on getting the high resolution timers to work, so I can move to the next issue in the list ;-) .

Good to hear that you are making progress!

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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